How to Relieve Stress Through the Alexander Technique

How to Relieve Stress Through the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is hailed as a self-care method for improving agility, fighting pain and improving posture. However, the Alexander Technique is said to be helpful for more than just physical issues; it is also said to be a good method for improving mental health and fighting stress. In fact, recognizing and managing stress, both physical and mental, is the primary basis for using the method.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Find an Alexander Technique Teacher


Point your browser toward the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).


Click the "Find A Teacher" link.


Use the drop-down box to select the state you want to search. Individuals located outside the United States may click the "International Teachers" link.


Select an Alexander Technique teacher from the list and call or email to discuss pricing and arrange a lesson.


Inform the teacher of your desire to relieve stress.


Learn more about the Alexander Technique through the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site.

Take Alexander Technique Lessons to Relieve Stress


Arrange for a one-on-one lesson if possible. They are said to be more effective than group lessons.


Arrive wearing comfortable clothing that doesn't restrict movement.


Expect the average lesson to last for about 45 minutes.


Allow your teacher to guide you through Alexander Technique movements.


Work to stop habitual responses and develop awareness of actions, unnecessary for movement, that you perform automatically and without thinking. This will help relieve stress.


Learn to recognize the difference between outside stimulus and your personal response.


Discover and practice moving with optimal balance, improved coordination and a lack of excess preparation.

Tips & Warnings

In most cases, one-on-one lessons for the Alexander Technique tend to be moderately priced. However, some teachers are willing to offer free introductory lessons to those just getting started.

F.M. Alexander, the man credited with introducing the Alexander Technique, wrote that the method should be learned through a trained teacher. However, Alexander and his brother were both self-taught.

If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, it is wise to contact a doctor for help in addition to trying the Alexander Technique. Depression and anxiety can be serious and can impair the lives of sufferers if left untreated.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Relieve Stress Through Biofeedback

How to Relieve Stress Through Biofeedback

Biofeedback is an alternative method of treatment in which patients use signals from their bodies to retrain various bodily functions or activities. Biofeedback can be used to treat such stress-related ailments as headaches, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure and chronic pain. Costs for treatment of stress-induced illness is moderate, as long as the patient is committed to learning the treatments to continue at home. If treatments can only be accomplished in the therapist's office, the bill could become quite expensive, even though the fee for each office visit is quite reasonable. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Relieve Stress Through Biofeedback


Know your cause of stress as well as the effects stress has on you and any other problems you would like to address.


Find a qualified therapist. You can check with the Biofeedback Certification Institute to find Biofeedback therapists near you (see Resources below). Ask a qualified health professional for recommendations.


Check your therapist's qualifications. Be sure that the therapist has experience treating other patients with problems similar to yours.


Discuss your problems, the cause and your expectations for relief with your therapist.


Inquire about stress management training. In order for you to make an informed decision, your therapist should be able to tell you what the duration of each session will be, the minimum number of sessions needed and the cost of the training.


Begin your sessions. In each session, the patient is connected to several machines that monitor muscle tension, skin temperature, activity of sweat glands and brain waves.


Expect to continue training at home. This training should help you use your newfound skills in controlling involuntary responses to target and relieve stress through Biofeedback.

Tips & Warnings

Ask your therapist for references before you commit to a Biofeedback training. Belief in the effectiveness of Biofeedback will go a long way toward making it so. If you're skeptical of the potential benefits of your Biofeedback therapy, you could be doomed to being correct.

Remember that Biofeedback therapy is not a substitute for medical care if your condition changes, does not respond to therapy or otherwise requires emergency care. Some stress-related illnesses, such as ulcers, could be become life threatening. If you see blood in stools or vomit, contact your medical doctor or get to the nearest emergency room as quickly as possible.

How to relieve painful shingles from itching.

How to relieve painful shingles from itching.

How to relieve the scratching of itching and burning shingles, (caused from the chicken pox virus) usually on elderly folks. Use Vinegar; the basic home remedy for all kinds of ailments from generations long ago.

Things You'll Need:

White Distilled Vinegar

Cotton balls


Get cotton balls and then damp with distilled white vinegar.


Apply vinegar with cotton and rub into each area of blister.


If blister still itches, repeat application while rubbing the sore until it stops itching. Let dry and wait at least one hour before reapplying. This may take a few times a day for the first few days, then the blister should dry up and go away.

Tips & Warnings

If the shingle blisters reappear, continue vinegar application until it dries up and closes up.

This is a traditional relief handed down from past generations. If you have any allergies to vinegar, then by all means ask your doctor first. But this remedy is all natural.

How to Relieve Pain Through the Alexander Technique

How to Relieve Pain Through the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a method of self care that uses self awareness to reduce stress, relieve pain and allow for easier mobility. Unlike other pain relief methods, the Alexander Technique doesn't rely on outside sources to work. Instead, the user must look within, changing habits and learning how to move in ways that stop and prevent pain. Furthermore, Alexander Technique enthusiasts assert that the method is also good for promoting mental health.

Things You'll Need:


Computer with Internet access

Learn the Alexander Technique


Find a teacher in your area by searching on the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).


Explain your symptoms to the Alexander Technique teacher. Be as specific as possible.


Arrange to take one-on-one lessons or group classes to learn about the Alexander Technique and discover how to practice it.


Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your lessons.


Apply what you have learned to your daily life to relieve pain.

Fight Pain Through Self Education About the Alexander Technique


Purchase "Teach Yourself the Alexander Technique" by Richard Craze from the Amazon Web site (see Resources below).


Read the book to determine whether or not the Alexander Technique can help you. If it seems you can benefit from the Alexander Technique, you should identify which approach you think will work best for your particular situation.


Observe yourself in a mirror as you try the methods offered in the book.


Let go of old habits that contribute to your pain. This includes tensing up your back, shoulder and neck muscles.


Put the things you have learned into practice to relieve and prevent pain on a daily basis. This requires you to identify those situations which lead to improper body movement.


Learn more about relieving pain with the Alexander Technique on the American Society for The Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Learning about the Alexander Technique from a book may be an inexpensive way to go. However, you can often find teachers willing to offer lessons for moderate prices.

Though some teachers may offer group lessons for those interested in the Alexander Technique, many prefer giving private lessons. The personal attention afforded is said to be more conducive to developing self awareness.

Pain can be the symptom of a serious injury, ailment or disease. Visit a doctor to ascertain the cause of your pain before handling it with the Alexander Technique. Treat serious medical issues according to the guidance of your physician.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Relieve Migraines Through Biofeedback

How to Relieve Migraines Through Biofeedback

People who have had a migraine headache will tell you it's one of the most painful experiences you can have. Migraines result from an imbalance in chemicals transmitted throughout the brain. As this imbalance escalates, the blood vessels constrict (narrow) and dilate (widen). This in turn causes the nerves surrounding these blood vessels to become inflamed, the culprit responsible for the actual pain experiemced during migraines. The typical symptoms that accompany many migraines (visual displays, nausea, numbness) can be explained by the narrowing and widening of the arteries. Biofeedback, an alternative medicine treatment which teaches the patient to control some bodily functions based on their own vital signs, has been very successful in giving patients a way to relieve the pain from migraines. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Relieve Migraines Through Biofeedback


Have your diagnosis for migraines confirmed. Determine the type of migraine you have, either classic or common. Classic migraines are ones that are prefaced by an aura, whereas common migraines are not. An aura is often described as a visual disturbance marked by swirling lights or stars, zig-zag type of light streaks, or sometimes a numbness or tingling sensation in the extremities. Common migraines, having occurred at least five times, usually last 4 to 72 hours. They're characterized by unilateral (on one side of the head) throbbing pain and intensified by routine physical activity. Nausea or vomiting must also be present to be considered a migraine. Classic migraines have all of those symptoms plus patients experience aura-like symptoms lasting less than 60 minutes. For more information about migraines, consult the "Real Age Headache Assessment Center" (see Resources below).


Find a certified biofeedback therapist by visiting the "Biofeedback Certification Institute of America" (BCIA) Web site (see Resources below). Make sure that the therapist you choose has experience in treating migraines through biofeedback.


Develop a treatment plan with your therapist. Most migraines are a long-term proposition. You'll need to learn to continue your biofeedback treatments at home. Find out from your therapist how soon you can become independent with your treatments.


Learn the feedback mechanisms that will relieve your migraine pain. Most migraines are treated through teaching the patient to raise their body temperature in one or both hands. Doing so will divert blood supplies to that area and help to stabilize the circulatory imbalance in the brain. Your migraine symptoms should be minimized or eliminated.

Tips & Warnings

The cost per visit for biofeedback treatments is inexpensive to moderate. It may become an expensive proposition if the migraines are severe and require long-term therapy.

If your headache symptoms worsen after treatment or if you experience any adverse reactions to your therapy, don't delay in consulting a medical doctor or local emergency room.

How to wear a total black and white outfit

How to wear a total black and white outfit

A black and white ensemble is the ideal chic get-up for any occasion, social or professional. All black is certainly sophisticated slimming but can appear funereal at times, while all white is definitely reserved for brides. Combine black with white to make an attention-getting fashion statement with these steps.


Consider your own sense of aesthetic balance. Do you prefer one main color with only an accent of the contrasting color? Or are equal parts black and white attractive to you? Prints or solids?


Choose the image of balance that makes you feel most comfortable. The best accessory to any outfit is a healthy measure of self-confidence.


When wearing equal parts black and white, wear black on your bottom half, if possible. Women tend to hold weight on their hips and below, so the black will appear slimming. White on the top half will emphasize the line at the waist and narrow it even further.


If accents are your style, wear an all black dress, suit or skirt and top ensemble with white accessories, like bakelite vintage bangles or beaded necklaces. Gleaming white pearls are always sophisticated as well.


Prefer prints? Black and white prints are eye-catching and often distract the eye from any negative points concerning your physique. A small and dainty white pattern on black is feminine and subtle, while pop art fabrics call mod styles to mind. White backgrounds are a challenge as that is a lot of space to keep from accidental spills and spots.

How to Wear a Toga Dress

How to Wear a Toga Dress

The toga dress is a fresh look for spring and summer that adds a touch of Mediterranean inspiration to your wardrobe. It's a super-feminine look inspired by Greek and Roman goddesses and can be worn in both a short or long style. The toga dress is suitable for almost all body types, but you do need to choose the right cut, accents, and accessories to really flatter your figure. Ready for a fresh new look? Here's how to wear a toga dress.

Things You'll Need:

Your choice of toga dress

Roman sandals

Moisturizer and shimmer powder for bare shoulders


Choose a style that suits your body type. Soft and looser styles are perfect for women with a larger stomach, while the more fitted styles are ideal for creating a flattering silhouette. Choose something that doesn't have too much extra material that leaves you floating in the dress.


Pick a ruched style to flatter your bustline and neckline. Ruching pulls the material together for a very feminine, frock-style look. Make sure the ruching ends just below your bustline or above the waist.


Look for a cap-sleeved style to de-emphasize your arms. If you're trying to hide your upper arms, look for a cap-sleeve style with a v-neck for a unique take on the usual design.


Tighten any belts or bands around the waist. This will help you keep your feminine figure so you don't get lost in the floaty style of the toga dress. Some toga dresses are made with ribbon belts tied together on the outside, while others are designed with a belt or band right on the dress.


Slip on a pair of Roman sandals or high heeled platform sandals. Both styles are especially flattering for the toga dress, and are a great addition to your spring or summer wardrobe.


Apply a generous layer of moisturizer and shimmer powder to the shoulders and neckline for the finishing touch.

Tips & Warnings

Toga dresses are great for daytime parties and get togethers during the spring and summer.

Wear the dress with platform sandals if you want more height.

Toga dresses are perfect for hiding a larger stomach since they drape loosely in front.

Pick a ruched style to flatter the bustline.

One shoulder toga dresses aren't suitable for all body types; make sure you experiment with different looks to find the right match.